9 of Swords


9 of Swords is a card of anxiety, fear, of lost sleep, and expecting the worst. It can feel really confrontational when it shows up in readings, but it’s important to remember that every card carries both a reflective element and a medicinal element within it. So while the 9 of Swords might show that you’re having the above experiences, it also offers the way through them. I think what all 9s in the Tarot ask of us is to make an inventory. I think of the Major card that’s numbered 9, the Hermit, and this archetype’s relationship to both self-determination, deliberate action, *and* the ability to navigate through darkness. The Hermit’s lantern casts a pool of light on one thing at a time, which is why it speaks so strongly to intentionality and pacing. In the 9 of Swords, we can draw upon these qualities to shine the light of our awareness on each of our fears in turn. Instead of being the figure hiding their eyes from the shadow-monster in the corner, we can aim our light upon it to determine that it’s just a pile of laundry. And we can do this with each of our fears one by one, literally writing them out so that they become pinned down under the light of our awareness rather than growing in our imaginations (and we’re working here well within the realm of swords, which has to do with the written word, our consciousness, and our imagination!). Make a list of “what-ifs” and see if they begin to recede like shadows. 

Page of Cups


Pages in the Tarot invite us to get curious. Some decks have renamed them ‘students’, and they approach things with a beginner’s mind. They’re often referred to as youthful, which has nothing to do with age, but with their whole attitude towards life. I don’t believe Pages are naïve, but they are certainly not jaded. When we are working with Page energy, we are open to reimagining what is possible, and open to the reinvention of our experience. Page of Cups then, could be considered the ‘student of the heart’. We can sit with our feelings here with a non-judgmental curiosity about what they have to tell us. Cups are the suit of water, and I often imagine feelings rolling in and out like the tide. This Page wanders up and down the shoreline, delighted with the treasures the tide has brought in. Bits of memory, old hurts and resentments like fragments of shell and sea glass. This Page gathers them all up and marvels at the stories they have to tell. Page of Cups offers us so much healing, because they come to the heart without an agenda or preconceived ideas about what things mean. They allow us to metabolize old wounds so quickly because they can reframe through play and story, art and song. When this Page comes up in a reading it can indicate the need to process experiences creatively. It can also suggest that you take your inner child out to buy a set of Legos, or whatever it is that allows that tender emotional self to feel safe and nurtured. 


Thinking with the Flood: the Holy Omniscience of 5

In the search for truth, we “demand that [it] must entail clarity. Guided by this principle we endeavor to be precise, but in doing so we effect an intellectual enclosure. That which is enclosed is *clear*, yes, but it is separated by the enclosure from the great flood of truth (of which we have taken possession of only a drop). The drop is clear, but it is only a drop taken from the flood, i.e. from the great context of truth.”

So thus, the practical exercise and the spiritual lesson of Temperance is learning to ‘think with the flood’.....to “no longer think alone, but rather together with the anonymous ‘choir’ of thinkers above, below, yesterday, and tomorrow.”

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Death, Dust & Type 4

The card in the Majors to represent this idea, Death, immediately brings to mind the biblical verse, “For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Returning to our origins of dust seems a little too basic for the Tarot though (ummm, and for type 4s: I see y’all! Like, dust? BASIC)


Well, I have good news for you 4, because now we can talk about Death as a cosmic surgeon and a guardian of the threshold between worlds!

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